Not quite sure what the PTA is or does? You are not alone, a lot of us felt that way before we got involved ourselves!

The roles and relationships between the school, the district and the PTA - with all the different communication points -  is confusing. The PTA is a membership group to allow the school community to organize, advocate, celebrate and support the school and its community. Think of the PTA as a bridge between families and the school administration. The more voices of the community we hear, the better the PTA can serve its purpose.

Executive Board Members


Vigdis Bronder-Haas

is a parent to a 1st grader and a three year old who is counting down the days until she gets to attend Atkinson too. She works as a technology lawyer in a small niche firm.


Diana Chavez

is a parent to a 1st grader in the DLI program and lives in the neighborhood. She works full time in nonprofit finance and community development.


Danielle Garcia

looks forward to being more active with the PTA this year. She has a 2nd grader in the neighborhood program and a 3-year-old who can't wait to be a Cheetah!

VP of Communications

Mattie Tiegreen

is a parent to a 1st grader, as well as a pre-schooler who will attend Atkinson in a few years.  She is the founder of a branding and marketing studio.

Appointed Board Members

Fundraising Co-Chairs: Harmony Quiroz and Stephani Hayden

Harmony is a parent to 1st and 4th graders in the neighborhood program. She is a past Atkinson PTA President. She works full-time as an Science Assessment Designer for HMH

Hospitality Chair: Ashley Beach

Ashley is a parent to rising 6th grader, Harper, and 3rd grader, Meryl. She is currently a full time parent who enjoys reading, working out and spending time with friends.

Volunteer Coordinator: Abby Wood

Abby is a parent to 3rd grade and 1st grade Atkinson students, and twins who will attend Kindergarten at Atkinson in the Fall.  She has enjoyed volunteering at Atkinson in the classroom and at running club the past three years and looks forward to getting more involved with the PTA next year. 

Programs Chair: Ki Gaines

Ki is a parent of a current first grader and a three year old who is eager to be a cheetah at Atkinson as well but has another two years to wait. Ki is the Director of Counseling at a small local university.

Advocacy Chair: Jessica Snyder

Jessica is a parent to an Atkinson kindergartener and a 3-year-old. She is also an Atkinson Elementary alum herself! Jessica now works as a public defender in the federal system, and had a former career as a community organizer for an education advocacy non-profit.

Member At Large: TJ Merrion and Colleen Jenkins

Tj is parent to a 1st grader in the DLI program and an incoming kindergartner.  She is a school social worker for PPS in a K-8 school. She is looking forward to engaging more within the Atkinson community and learning from you all.

Member At Large Teacher: Laura Humphrey

Member At Large Past Board Member: Callie Barish and James Dillard

Amigos Chair: Erin Lopez

Outdoor Learning Garden Chair: VACANT

Vice President of Planning: VACANT

Assistant Treasurer: VACANT

Interested in learning more about PTA roles and ways to be involved?